Many of our fellow Taro Leafers have departed our ranks. This page is our means of enabling you to search for a buddy or family member who has passed away.
The most powerful way to search this website is through the use of Internet Search Engines, e.g., Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others. With Google for example, enter the name you are looking for in the Search Block and then follow that with +"24th Infantry Division" in quotes as shown here. Google searches all the Taro Leaf Publications that have been uploaded to our website and will take you to the front page of the Taro Leaf where the name you entered appears. Try it, it works. More Information
Wes Morrison, Association Past President and Director, is working on the 24th Division Honor Roll, which is being added incrementally. At present, the Honor Roll for the 24th Infantry Division in WWII and the Korean War are available.
In April 2015 Merry Helm, who for several years was the Association's outstanding Historian, provided us with an Excel file containing 11,683 Twenty-Fourth Infantry Division Korean War Casualties (all units except the 5th RCT) that she accumulated from National Archives Records. We have arranged these six different ways to help you search; click on the following links to view the list in Name, Date-Name, Date-Unit-Name, State-City or County-Name, Unit-Name, and Disposition order, We sincerely thank Merry for this great source document; the too-many names I recall are all there. TJT
We have assembled the TAPS sections of the Taro Leaf from 2004 to the present into one pdf document. Although far from perfect as a search engine, this does allow you to search by the name or any other word. See below for more information on searching pdf files.
John Collins recently posted a message on the 24th Group page in Face Book to honor of those who fell with the 24th Infantry Division Mech in Operation Desert Storm
Our newest effort to catalog and present TAPS information is being done by Lee Gordon who is transferring our member notices and/or obituaries to the Find A Grave.com website. Lee has created a 24th Inf Div grouping on Find A Grave. You may contact Lee at taroleaftaps[at]gmail.com
Links resulting from Find A Grave: Edward Hagan by Beth Tuck
How to submit a member's TAPS notice, click HERE.
To review the Origin of TAPS To play TAPS, please click HERE; or HERE
Click HERE to read how to search PDF files for a specific name or text string.