2007 Board of Directors Meeting
60th Annual Reunion, Courtyard Columbia at USC, Columbia, South Carolina, 21 September 2007
Meeting called to order by President Spicer at 0900 hours. Chaplain Carpenter gave the blessing. Pledge of Allegiance given to the Flag. Attendance was taken and a quorum was established. Those present were: Gene Spicer, President; Keith Hagen, Nominating Committee Chairman; Tom Thiel, Editor; Larry Gay, Historian; Wes Morrison, Past President and Reunion Coordinator; Byrd Schrock, Quartermaster; Glenn Carpenter, Jr., Chaplain; Albert McAdoo, Past President; John Klump, Past President, and Don Maggio, Secretary-Treasurer.
Secretary/Treasurer (Secy/Treas) Maggio read the minutes of the 2006 Board of Directors Meeting. A motion was made by Larry Gay and seconded by Wes Morrison to accept the minutes as read. The motion passed by voice vote. Secy/Treas Maggio gave the financial report. A motion was made by Wes Morrison and seconded by John Klump to accept the report as read. The motion passed by voice vote. Verbeck Award:
President Spicer read a letter from Roger Mitten, Vice President (attached). This year Billy Johnson was voted to award. A discussion concerning the future of the Verbeck Award ensued. Wes Morrison moved the Association continue giving this award. Albert McAdoo seconded the motion and it passed by voice vote. The Board of Directors discussed options that will allow us to engrave the names of future winners since there is no space left on the actual bowl. Secy/Treas presented a quote from The Awards Center, Inc., Asheville, North Carolina (attached). Albert McAdoo moved we appropriate $1,000 to purchase a round base for the Verbeck Award and Wes Morrison seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote. Secy/Treas Maggio will obtain quotes from woodworkers in the Western North Carolina area for a round base and will inform the Board of Directors of the options presented. He will also make sure curved plates can be engraved and attached. Keith Hagen suggested silver rings similar to those on the Stanley Cup. Larry Gay has a copy of General Verbeck’s book and suggested information from it be published in the TARO LEAF so members will understand who he was and why we have the award named in his honor.
A general discussion concerning our declining membership followed. The general consensus was the Association needs to reach former members of the 24th Infantry Division who served in Germany, Ft. Riley, Lebanon, Desert Storm, Ft. Stewart, and Somalia. There needs to be an emphasis on articles in newspapers and veterans’ publications as will as on the internet. Publications like those of the DAV, Retired NCOs, VFW, AMVETS, AUSA, Army Times, Greybeards, et al. Larry Gay has copies of a 20 page after action report on Desert Storm he would like to offer to interested people. Byrd Schrock volunteered to put information about the Association on the internet during the next year. Wes Morrison made a motion to have the Board of Directors (BOD) appoint Byrd Schrock as Membership Chairman and it was seconded by Larry Gay. The motion passed by voice vote.
Nomination of Officers:
Committee Chairman Hagen presented the Committee’s report. All current officers have agreed to run for their same offices. Although Roger Mitten, Vice President, offered to not run again due to his health, it was agreed to let him run for Vice President and serve as best he can. Wes Morrison moved to accept the slate of officers and it was seconded by Larry Gay. The motion passed by voice vote.
Reunion Site Selection for 2009:
Reunion Coordinator Morrison presented a report comparing proposed sites for the 2009 reunion. Based on total cost for the duration of the reunion, available transportation, free parking and airport shuttle service at the hotel, and local sites to visit, the BOD agreed that the 2009 Reunion will be held in Rapid City, South Dakota, at the Holiday Inn Rushmore Plaza, September 9 through 13, 2009. Don Maggio moved we accept the Holiday Inn Rushmore Plaza as the 2009 reunion site and it was seconded by Byrd Schrock. The motion passed by voice vote.
Editor Thiel asked for an Assistant Editor so we would not have another lapse in publishing the TARO LEAF as we had recently.
The BOD discussed who could or would be the Assistant Editor. A compensated employee to be the assistant was rejected based on past problems with the IRS for failure to pay FICA, etc. The use of an outside contractor was also rejected because of conflict in paying FICA taxes.
President Gene Spicer instructed Editor Thiel he could choose his assistant. The BOD advised Editor Thiel he would have complete editorial control of the publication. Editor Thiel said he thought he had explained his ideas clearly in his first edition. Larry Gay suggested the TARO LEAF should have consistency of obituary space among those listed in the TAPS section. Obituaries should include name, rank, unit(s) of service, service dates, awards, theaters or posts of service and service to the 24th Infantry Division Association. It should exclude civic service, civic service organizations, etc. There was a consensus that the TARO LEAF should include spouse obituaries, but not report illness of spouses or members as the information may not be correct by publishing date.
Donation to the Punch Bowl/VA Cemetery of the Pacific:
The discussion centered on whether or not the Association should make a donation for maintenance of the Punch Bowl. It was announced that Dan Rickert, Punch Bowl Memorial Chairman, gave the Veterans Administration the balance of the funds in the memorial plaque account after all invoices had been paid. Byrd Schrock moved and Wes Morrison seconded the motion not to give the VA additional funds for maintenance. The motion passed by voice vote. President Spicer said he had awards for Dan Rickert and his committee members.
New Business:
Reunion Donation Chairman Carpenter indicated everything is ready for the prize drawing during the Aloha Dinner. Secy/Treas asked if Merry Helm could be mailed a TARO LEAF. After a discussion it was agreed she could not be put on the official roster, but could receive a copy of each issue. Editor Thiel advised us the Merry Helm was making a list of medal awardees and asked if the Association could make a contribution to help her with the project. He was advised she would need to establish a not-for-profit organization to receive such a donation or do the work without a donation or contribution.
Wes Morrison moved the meeting be adjourned and it was seconded by Larry Gay. The motion passed by a show of hands. President Spicer adjourned the meeting at 1140 hours.
by Don Maggio, Sec/Treas.