The 24th Infantry Division Association

Founded August 1945 on a Philippine Island beach


2009 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Rapid City, South Dakota, August 28, 2009

Attendees: Mel Frederick, President*; Sal Schillaci, Vice President*; John Dunn, Sec/Tres*; Gene Spicer, Past President*; Wes Morrison, Albert McAdoo, and John Klump, Past Presidents*; and Glenn Carpenter, Chaplin. *Member BoD ---A Quorum is present

Meeting called to order by President Frederick at 9:15 a.m. Chaplin Carpenter offered the Invocation.

Opening Comments: President Frederick stated that he was pleased to announce that Tom Thiel will continue to serve as Editor of the Taro Leaf for a short while. He introduced John Dunnas the new Sec/Tres.

2010 Reunion: Vice President Sal Schellaci gave a brief overview of plans for the September, 2010 reunion in Buffalo, N.Y. He listed a number activities planned, and stated that specific details would follow. He also noted that if travel to Canada was planned, a passport would be required for re-entry into the U.S.

Financial Report: Year end 1 Aug 09-31 Jul 09 Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports were passed out to attendees. Albert McAdoo suggested comparative reports from year to year would be helpful. Wes Morrison questioned an item of Taro Leaf expense. Dunn said that he would have comparative financials for next year and that he would find the answer to Morrison’s question.

Taro Leaf: There was discussion as to the role of the Taro Leaf.  Wes Morrison stated that the personal articles were a source of historical information for future generations to know what their ancestors did during their service with the 24th ID. He also noted that association historian, Larry Gay, has catalogued articles from the  Taro Leaf and is storing copies of the publication for the association. President Frederick expressed a desire to have this information available for the Taro Leaf editor’s use, and back up materials in a second location for preservation.

2011 Reunion: There was discussion and a motion made, seconded and passed, to have the Reunion Brat look into Dayton, Ohio as a location for the 2011 reunion.

New Business:

 Changes to the Constitution and By-Laws. After thorough discussion the motion was made, seconded to accept the changes to the Constitution and By-Laws as published in the Taro Leaf Vol. 63(1) Winter 2009, with the exception of the part as relates to Associate Membership as described in Article V, Section 2, Paragraph B. Motion passed by a majority vote. Motion made, seconded and passed unanimously to amend and clarify the language in Article VIII, Section 1, of the Constitution. This language states that the majority of active members in good standing, responding to a mail-in ballot issue, decides the question.

After a resolution presented by Gene Spicer, a motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to extend Lifetime Honorary Association Membership to Merry Helm, upon approval of the membership present at the Annual Convention.

Thanks: Glenn Carpenter extended his thanks and appreciation to his wife Mary, for all of her hard work with his fund raising efforts.

President Frederick adjourned the meeting at 11:00 AM

Minutes submitted by John Dunn