2010 Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes
Buffalo, New York, September 28, 2010
Attendees: Voting Board Members: Mel Frederick, President; John Dunn, Sec/Tres; John Slattery, Loyal Vincent, and John Klump. Visitors: Glen Carpenter, Chaplain and Don Maggio, V-President Elect. A quorum was present
Meeting called to order by President Frederick at 9:30 AM. Chaplain Carpenter opened with The Pledge of Allegiance and offered the Invocation.
Opening Comments: President Mel Frederick announced the following members to carry on the Association’s services: David Valley - Taro Leaf Editor: John Walters - Quartermaster: Merry Helm - Historian. The Association offers its sincere thanks to these three individuals for volunteering to undertake these tasks.
Nominating Committee: President Frederick presented the slate of officers submitted by the Committee: Sal Schillaci, President; Don Maggio, Vice President; John Dunn, Sec/Treas; Jack Slattery, Director (2-years); Loyal Vincent, Director (1-year). Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to present the slate to the convention.
2011 Reunion: Dayton, Ohio was approved last year as the location for the 2011reunion. Discussions regarding location of reunions: consensus was that central US would best to facilitate travel for members. Motion made, seconded and unanimously passed to hold convention in New Orleans, LA-2012, and Springfield, IL -2013.
Financial Report: Due to briefcase being lost en route to reunion information was not available for distribution. Verbal report indicated that income and expenses were down but net income was comparable to last year. Total net assets were approximately $80,000. Because of the changes in the QM position there was no information regarding that account.
New Business: Dues: Discussion centered around Life Memberships as an operational negative to the financial well being of the association. Motion made, seconded and passed unanimously to increase life memberships to $200, effective Jan.1, 2012 for new members only. Current members will be able to attain Life Membership for $150. Current members making annual partial life payments will be unaffected by this dues change.
WEB SITE: Permission was granted to the association to use materials from Norm Treadway's 24th Division web site. Tom Thiel has taken these materials and extensively added information for our new association web site, www.24thida.com. Motion made, seconded and passed unanimously to allocate $200 per year for fees and maintenance of the web site.
MISCELLANEOUS: Discussion of Board Meeting participation suggest that future reunion coordinators schedule board meetings so as not to conflict with other scheduled activities.
President Frederick adjourned meeting at 11:00 AM
Minutes submitted by John Dunn, Sec/Treas