The 24th Infantry Division Association

Founded August 1945 on a Philippine Island beach


Minutes of 2012 Corporate Convention

24th Infantry Division Association, Corporate Convention (Member Meeting), September 18, 2012, Holiday Inn, New Orleans, LA

Meeting called to order by President Schillaci and a prayer was offered by Chaplain Carpenter


President Schillaci called for nominations from Keith Hagen, Chairman – Nominating Committee. Keith nominated Sal Schillaci for President and Don Maggio for VP but was informed that Sal had served two one-year terms and was not eligible for an additional term.

Gene Spicer moved to nominate Don Maggio for President; motion was seconded by Dan Rickert, and the motion was passed by a show of hands.

President Schillaci asked for nominations for Vice President and none were made. William “Bill”Tricarico volunteered. A motion was made to nominate him; Mel Frederick seconded the nomination, and the motion passed by voice vote.

Next President Schillaci called for nominations for Director-at-Large to replace John Slattery. George Vlasic volunteered and was accepted by those present with a voice vote. He will serve a 2-year term.


It was moved that the Association spend up to $2,000 for expenses to advertise in various veterans’ and other publications to inform people of our existence. Gene Spicer seconded the motion and it was passed by voice vote.

Glen Carpenter announced that the 2013 raffle will be his last, and that the Association needs a volunteer to carry on this effort.

Sal Schillaci reported on his continuing efforts to have the 24th ID Medal of Honor plaque placed at Arlington Cemetery. His efforts have been frustrating and unproductive due to resistance by those at Arlington. It is suggested all members continue to contact their Senators and Representatives in an ongoing effort to solicit their support his effort. While reporting on the progress of making the plaque, Dan Rickert announced that the first awardee of the Medal of Honor for service in Korea was George Libby, a member of the 24th Infantry Division. Everyone should mention that in their letters.

Tony Polemeni moved to adjourn, Don Maggio seconded, and the motion passed by voice vote.

Don Maggio