The 24th Infantry Division Association

Founded August 1945 on a Philippine Island beach


Donating your 24th-related materials to the Association

Our Historian, Merry Helm, is collecting a physical archive of 24th Infantry Division materials, such as photo albums, stories, and other documents.

 Merry physically examines these materials for any items of possible value for uploading to this website or for an article in the Quarterly Taro Leaf.

A college intern then catalogues the materials Merry collects. We intend to publish this index on this webpage in the future.

The collections then will be held by the 24th IDA Historian, or they may one day be donated to the Center of Military History, Carlisle Barracks, which currently has quite a collection of 24th ID materials.

Please contact Merry Helm, 24th IDA Historian before sending your items.

Merry Helm, 24th IDA Historian
420 8th Ave S
Fargo ND 58103
email: 52pianos[at]cableone.net