10,000 Pages of Taro Leafs on line!
Actually, the exact number of pages is 10,038 (as of Feb 1, 2015)! The number of Taro Leaf publications posted is 352.
Included is the very first Taro Leaf, the August 1947 issue provided by Jim Mims of Texas.
The one that placed us over 10K was provided by Mark Arnold of Mansfield, OH, son of Russell G. Arnold Life Member #104, who has been going over his father’s collection and provided me with issue 1965-66 No. 9.
We thank Jim and Mark and Russell, and the many of you in between, who likewise have provided copies we did not have.
And, while we are passing out kudos, let’s not forget Ed Farmer, who donated a Canon DR-M160 scanner, which reduced scanning time to make this project even worthy of consideration. While document preparation, indexing and uploading remained significant, the DR-M160 scans both sides of a page with one pass, and takes less than a second a page to scan!
Missing Taro Leafs?
I do not know of any issues we are missing. There appear to be some gaps, but I am not sure any were published then. You can check by looking at the table of loaded Taro Leafs to see where gaps appear. If you should happen to have some in these gaps, please contact me.
Finding what you want from among these 10K+ pages
So, how do you find an article you might need from these 10K pages of Taro Leafs? First of all, all Taro Leafs (and most of the textual material in pdf format on this website), were created with Adobe Acrobat Professional and optimized for easy online viewing. This means that every word of those 10K+ Taro Leaf pages is key word searchable. Please Click Here to see how to do do that.
Table of online Taro Leaf Publications
Tom Thiel, Webmaster, 352-408-6612, 24thidaweb@gmail.com